Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I do not believe in love at first sight. To me, a first impression is not nearly enough to make me feel something as strong as love. Especially if that first impression is a bad one... I mean, even though you dislike a person when you meet them for the first time, who is to say that you will not like them after you get to know eachother. It is not like you can learn everything about one another in just a couple of seconds. No... That is quite impossible.

Love is something that you have to work for and once you have gotten it, you should be careful so you do not lose it again. Still... Getting to the point in life where you realize that you are in love is not the hardest part. It is much, much harder to hold on to that feeling... and to hold on to the person you love. Especially if that person was one of those people who do not leave a good first impression...

All humans come with baggage... and I suppose some people's baggage is harder to deal with than others. No matter how much you love them.

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