The Knight in Shining Armor
Name (& pronunciation): Caled Moran
Date of Birth (& age): July 1. 35 years old.
Place of Birth: Elania, the Capital of Kern
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Kernian Human
Social Class/Community Status: Mercenary and Former Knight. People in civilization still refers to him as Milord, though.
Language: Common
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Father died in the line of duty when Caled was 13 years old. Mother died at Childbirth. No other relations to speak of.
Physical Description
Height: Tall, 6’4”
Hair: Blond, reaches down to his cheekbones.
Eyes: Clear Blue
Limb Dexterity: Caled is more strong than he is dextrous, but he is agile enough to get by.
Detailed Physical Description:
Caled stands tall and proud. His body is well muscled, as well as heavily scarred, from the long years of servitude in the King’s Cavalry. His hair, to him mostly a nuisance, is blond and cut relatively short in contrast to most young men in Kern. Many a young girl has requested that he let his hair grow, but as an experienced fighter Caleb has always stood strong; Long hair would only get in the way. Not to mention he believes that any young man who wears his hair long is no better than a woman. His eyes are a dark and stormy blue but they light up whenever he smiles and small wrinkles form at the corners.
Typical Clothing/Equipment: Even though technically no longer a Knight, Caled still wears his heavy plate armor and white surcoat proudly. He wields a shortsword and a shield inherited from his father with their family crest on.
Personality/Attitude: Having been born into a family of Knights and gentlemen, Caled was raised to be loyal, kind and generous (perhaps even a little conceited), although after so many years of hard battles against other kingdoms and other races, he has become somewhat jaded and is no longer as trusting as he once was. He is still the perfect gentleman when in the presence of women, showering them in compliments and offering his aid when necessary, however, he tends to allow his prejudices take control when he encounter someone he deems to be untrustworthy... like former war enemies.
Should a person, against all doubts, manage to come close enough to him that he admits to caring, he would never allow them to come in harms way. However, getting him to admit that he harbours feelings for anyone, male or female, is not an easy thing. He is a very private man and has been on his own ever since he began training to become a Knight. Therefore, he believes that he is of no need of anyone else in his life.
Skills/Talents: He is very good at gathering necessary information, a very good trait both for a Knight and s mercenary, and his skills with the sword are still said to be unmatched in the entire Kingdom or Kern. Despite this, he strives to become better and better and has never lost a fight as of yet.
Favourites/Likes: Caled enjoys anything that has to do with his military training for example Swordplay, Strategy and Archery. He is also incredibly fond of his Horse. Other than that he is extremely loyal to his king, even though he was cast out of his order, and would follow the man into hell. Oh and he absolutely loves music, but would die before admitting that to anyone.
Most Hated/Dislikes: Caled has a terrible predjudice for strangers and anyone who is not Kernian. Kernians in general are brought up to be proud of their technological advantage and tend to look down upon the rest of the world, viewing them as savages. Caled is no different. He also has a strong hatred for Morgatians and Northerners born from all of the things he has seen on the battlefield during Kern’s wars with those countries.
Goals/Ambitions: To serve his country and his King.
Strengths: His skill with his sword is yet unmatched and he has great endurance.
Weaknesses: Sometimes he is too blinded by his own predjudice to see what is really going on around him.
Hobbies/Interests: Training, taking care of his arms and armor as well as horseback riding. He would love to learn how to play an instrument, but he never has the time.
Regular Routine: Ever since he was cast out of his order, Caled has been traveling the world. Getting up every morning, saddling his horse and then going wherever he felt like going. Always on the lookout of bandits and thieves, striving to make the world a better place even though he is no longer a Knight.
Philosophy of Life: To serve one’s King is the greatest thing of all.
Attitude Toward Death: It comes when it is time, and not a moment earlier.
Religion/Beliefs: The people of Kern believe in the Holy One, but Caled himself was never very religious. He believes in his King and his countrymen, that is all.
Fetishes/Strange Behaviors:
Most Instructive/Painful/Memorable Experience:
Sexual Preference/Experience/Values: Straight. He believes himself to fancy women and finds them beautiful. However, he has not had very much experience of sexual encounters simply because he has been too busy with his other responsibilities.
Education/Special Training: Has trained to become a Knight since he was eight years old. Along with martial training, he was also well educated in history, strategy and manners.
Place/Type of Residence: Back in Elania he lived in the Knight Chapterhouse. But he has rarely had a place he could truly call home. Only when he was a little boy did he live with his mother on a small farm outside of the Capital.
Occupation: Mercenary
Place of Work: N/A
Work-related Skills:
Past Occupations: Knight
Additional Notes
Caleb was once known as one of the best and most prominent of all King Alander’s Knights, just like his father before him. He was strong and loyal like no other and would do anything his King asked of him. These traits served him for well over ten years as he planned, fought and won battle after battle for his King and country. Unfortunately, King Alander is not as concerned about his Knights as they are about him, and he prefers his most trusted protectors to be young and fit rather than scarred and experienced. As an effect, there is a law in Kern which says that no Knight should be allowed to stay on duty after their thirty-fifth birthday. It is because of this law that Caleb was forced to turn over his rank as Royal Knight to a boy barely out of his teens the previous year.
Despite this, he remains loyal to his King and currently works as a Mercenary, trying to clean the Kingdom of Kern of all kinds of scum.
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